On this issue, the switching regulator power supply and the rectifier bridge are two different electronic devices with different functions and roles.Switching voltage regulator pow...

What is the difference between switching regulated power supply and rectifier bridge?

On this issue, the switching regulator power supply and the rectifier bridge are two different electronic devices with different functions and roles.

Switching voltage regulator power supply is a power supply device that can stabilize the input voltage and output a certain stable voltage. Switching voltage regulator power supply through switching components (such as transistors, MOS tubes, etc.) switching action, control the input voltage on and off, in order to achieve the purpose of output voltage stability. Switching voltage regulator power supply has the advantages of high efficiency, small size, light weight, stable output voltage, etc., and is widely used in various electronic equipment.

A rectifier bridge (also known as a rectifier) is a device used to convert alternating current to direct current. It is composed of four diodes, through the conduction and cut-off of these four diodes, to achieve the commutation of alternating current. The rectifier bridge can convert the negative half cycle of the AC signal into a positive half cycle, so as to obtain a direct current signal. Rectifier Bridges are often used in power systems to convert alternating current to direct current to power various electronic devices.

To sum up, the switching voltage regulator is a power supply device used to stabilize the input voltage and the output voltage, while the rectifier bridge is a device used to convert alternating current to direct current. The two are different in function and application field.

Switching regulated power supply and rectifier bridge are two completely different things. Rectifier bridge is a rectifier element, composed of four diodes, also known as silicon bridge or full wave bridge rectifier, it has two input input AC, two output output direct current, for AC to DC. Switching power supply is a kind of power supply circuit, with series type (such as common chips) and parallel type (such as mobile phone charger, computer host power supply, etc.), the structure is more complex.