[Sell waste on the waste house I will answer your questions]The enamelled wire consists of a conductor and an insulating layer. The bare wire is softened by annealing, then painted...

How to classify enamelled wire?

[Sell waste on the waste house I will answer your questions]

The enamelled wire consists of a conductor and an insulating layer. The bare wire is softened by annealing, then painted several times and baked. Today, I will focus on several main aspects of enameled wire.

First, the classification of enamelled wire

1.1 By insulation material

1.1.1 acetal enamelled wire

1.1.2 Polyester enamelled wire

1.1.3 Polyurethane enamelled wire

1.1.4 Modified polyester enamelled wire

1.1.5 Polyester imide enamelled wire

1.1.6 Polyester imide\/polyamide imide enamelled wire

1.1.7 Polyimide enamelled wire

1.2 Divided according to the purpose of enamelled wire

1.2.1 General purpose enamelled wire (ordinary wire) : mainly used in general motors, electrical appliances, instruments, transformers and other work occasions winding wire, such as polyester enamelled wire, modified polyester enamelled wire.

1.2.2 Heat-resistant enamelled wire: It is mainly used for winding wires of motors, electrical appliances, instruments, transformers and other workplaces working at temperatures of 180℃ and above, such as polyester imide enamelled wire, polyimide enamelled wire, polyester enamelled wire, polyester imide\/polyamideimide composite enamelled wire.

1.2.3 Enamelled wire for special purposes: refers to the winding wire with certain quality characteristics required for specific occasions, such as: polyurethane enamelled wire (direct solderability), self-adhesive enamelled wire.

1.3 By conductor material: copper wire, aluminum wire, alloy wire.

1.4 According to the shape of the material: round line, flat line, hollow line.

1.5 Divided by insulation thickness

1.5.1 Round line: thin film -1, thick film -2, thick film -3 (national standard).

1.5.2 Flat wire: ordinary paint film-1, thick paint film-2.

Alcohol string

Self-adhesive wire under the action of alcohol (e.g., Lock).

Hot air wire

Self-bonding wire under the action of heat (e.g. PEI).

Duplex line

Wire that binds itself under the action of alcohol or heat

Two, enamelled wire standards

enameled wire

1.1 Enamelled round wire product standard: GB6109-90 series standard; ZXD\/J700-16-2001 Industry internal control standard

1.2 Enamelled flat wire product standard: GB\/T7095-1995 series

Standard test method for enamelled round wire and flat wire: GB\/T4074-1999

paper covered wire

2.1 Product standard of paper-covered round wire: GB7673.2-87

2.2 Product standard of paper-covered flat wire: GB7673.3-87

Standard of test method for round and flat paper covered wire: GB\/T4074-1995


Product standard: GB3952.2-89

Method standard: GB4909-85, GB3043-83

bare copper wire

4.1 Bare copper round wire product standard: GB3953-89

4.2 Bare copper flat wire product standard: GB5584-85

Test method standard: GB4909-85, GB3048-83

winding wire

Round wire GB6i08.2-85

Flat wire GB6iuo.3-85

The standard mainly emphasizes the specification series and size deviation

Foreign standards such as:

Japanese product standard SC3202-1988, its test method standard: JISC3003-1984

American Standard WMl000-1997

International Electrotechnical Commission mC317