The SG3525 chip is a voltage mode-based switching power supply controller that can be used for PWM adjustment of current, voltage and power. Determining the frequency of the SG3525...

SG3525 How to determine the frequency?

The SG3525 chip is a voltage mode-based switching power supply controller that can be used for PWM adjustment of current, voltage and power. Determining the frequency of the SG3525 requires setting the external components.
In the SG3525 data manual, there are examples of circuit diagrams on how to set up external components, you can refer to the recommended circuit diagram to determine the frequency. The main components that need to be referred to are inductors (L1, L2), capacitors (C1, C2) and resistors (Rt), and their values and connection modes will directly affect the determination of the output frequency.
There is a certain relationship between the working frequency of SG3525 chip and the inductance value, capacitance value and resistance value. The following formula can be used to calculate the frequency:
f = 1 \/ (0.693 * (Rt R) * C)
Where f is the frequency, Rt is the fixed resistance value, generally 1kΩ or 2.2kΩ, R is the variable resistance value, by adjusting it can change the frequency, C is the capacitance value.
After calculating the approximate value of the frequency according to the formula, it can be fine-tuned through the experiment. Adjusting the value of resistance R can change the frequency value, increasing the value of resistance R can reduce the frequency, and vice versa. The steady state indicator and oscilloscope can be used to verify that the frequency meets the requirements when adjusting the resistance. It should be noted that the frequency of the SG3525 can be adjusted as needed, but it should be ensured that it is within the acceptable range of the chip, otherwise it may lead to abnormal work or damage of the chip. It is best to set the frequency as recommended in the SG3525 data manual and application Guide.

The SG3525 is a PWM control chip whose frequency is determined by an external component RC circuit. Specifically, the frequency is determined by the capacitance value and resistance value of the RC circuit. In practical applications, the frequency can be adjusted by changing the capacitance or resistance value in the RC circuit.

In addition, the SG3525 has an internal programmable frequency divider that can change the output frequency by setting the divider's input. Thus, by adjusting the Settings of the RC circuit and the divider, the output frequency of the SG3525 can be determined.

The SG3525 is a PWM modulation chip whose frequency is determined by an external RC component. Typically, capacitors and resistors are used to determine the frequency. According to the SG3525 specification, the maximum and minimum values of RC elements can be calculated to determine the range of frequencies. In practical applications, choosing the right RC element can make the frequency meet the requirements. If more precise frequency control is required, an external clock source can be used to control the frequency of the SG3525.