Medium and low level. The released Loongson 2C completely surpasses the VIA C3, reaching the level of the PENTIUM Ⅲ around 1500MHZ. According to the leader of the Loongson project,...

What is the level of China's Loongson cpu now?

Medium and low level. The released Loongson 2C completely surpasses the VIA C3, reaching the level of the PENTIUM Ⅲ around 1500MHZ. According to the leader of the Loongson project, the Loongson 2D will reach the PENTIUM 4 1.3~1.5GHZ, and later due to the improvement of packaging technology, it will reach the level of 1.6~2.0GHZ, and also revealed that the Loongson 3 is a multi-core product, at least 4 core. Loongson 2 uses a 0.18 micron production process, while Loongson 3 uses a 0.13 micron production process. In my opinion, when the Dragon Son 4 is released, it may be 90nm technology