It is fully domestic.After nearly 20 years of research, the integrated technology of lithography machine has been completed from 0 to 1, and many major breakthroughs have been made...

Is the 90 nanometer lithography machine completely domestic?

It is fully domestic.

After nearly 20 years of research, the integrated technology of lithography machine has been completed from 0 to 1, and many major breakthroughs have been made.

Domestic 90nm lithography machine has long been commercially available, the main technologies of DUV infiltration lithography machine have been conquered, light source, lens, dual workpiece stage have been available, and the immersion 65nm, 45nm and 28nm DUV lithography machine localization is sooner or later. The most advanced EUV lithography machine (below 7nm) has not yet started the whole machine project research and development, and it still takes some time to achieve, but relevant research has been carried out.