This problem is due to the continuous sanctions of the United States because of the continuous sanctions of the United States because Huawei needs 5G chips without foundries, the m...

Why does Huawei have 5g glory when it doesn't?

This problem is due to the continuous sanctions of the United States because of the continuous sanctions of the United States because Huawei needs 5G chips without foundries, the models on the market are all 4G, and in order to achieve 5G, you must have a radio frequency antenna, precisely the radio frequency antenna is mastered in the United States and Japan among a small number of companies, so Huawei can not use, and Honor is now an independent brand. It has not been sanctioned by the United States, so it can use Qualcomm's 5G chips

The reason is that under four rounds of sanctions by a certain country, Huawei's 5G mobile phone is restricted, resulting in 5G chips that can only be used as 4G.

What Huawei has is the design capability, there is no manufacturing capability, and the entire mainland does not have the chip manufacturing capability below 14nm. One day, after the mainland can achieve 7nm and 5nm wafer manufacturing capabilities, Huawei can realize the full localization of high-end chips. The fifth generation mobile communication technology is of high speed.

What Huawei mainly lacks is 5G radio frequency chips, because it cannot be replaced in China, and if it wants to maintain mobile phone production, it has to launch 4G mobile phones.