c602芯片组支持cpuichaiyang 2024-05-10 0:26 35
CF usually indicates that the CPU fails.1, the code FF, 00, C0, D0, CF, F1, or nothing indicates that the CPU did not pass.2. Codes C1, C6, C3, D3, D4, D6, D8, B0, A7, E1 indicate...

What does this cf code mean?

CF usually indicates that the CPU fails.

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1, the code FF, 00, C0, D0, CF, F1, or nothing indicates that the CPU did not pass.

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2. Codes C1, C6, C3, D3, D4, D6, D8, B0, A7, E1 indicate memory however.

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3, code 24, 25, 26, 01, 0A, 0B, 2A, 2B, 31 indicates that the graphics card is not.

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4, code C1, C6, C3, 01, 02 This combined loop jump is mostly I\/0 bad or brush BIOS.

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5, code 05, ED, 41 directly brush BIOS.

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6, some integrated graphics card motherboard 23, 24, 25 indicates that it can be lit normally.

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7, some VIA chipsets display 13 indicates that it can be lit.

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8, some brands in the motherboard display 0B means normal.

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9. Some motherboards display 4E to indicate normal lighting.

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10. If the motherboard of some INTEL chipsets displays 26 or 16, it can be lit normally.