c602芯片组支持cpuichaiyang 2024-05-10 0:25 30
Jining - Zoucheng bus officially opened on July 1C601 Road: Jining - Yanzhou, ticket price 3 yuan Jining North Bus Station - Jinyu Road - 327 National Road - Yanzhou South Ring Roa...

What is the route of Zoucheng to Jining bus c603?

Jining - Zoucheng bus officially opened on July 1

C601 Road: Jining - Yanzhou, ticket price 3 yuan Jining North Bus Station - Jinyu Road - 327 National Road - Yanzhou South Ring Road - Yanzhou Zhongyu Bridge Road - Yanzhou Jiuzhou Avenue - Jiuxianqiao Road - Yanzhou Bus station, through the city International, Tongda driving school, Yanzhou Nonggao Park and other major stations.

C602 Road: Jining - Zoucheng (Taibai Road east extension), fare 4 yuan Jining North Bus Station -- Jinyu Road -- Torch Road -- Taibai Road -- Shixian Road -- Taibai Road east extension -- Zoucheng Mine Road -- Zhuguo Street -- Pingyang Road -- Yichan Road -- Chengqian Road -- Zoucheng Bus Station, Through the talent market, comprehensive law enforcement Bureau, Zoucheng Pingyang Temple, European Mall, museum (Meng Temple) and other major stops.

C603 Road: Jining - Zoucheng (Lanji Road), fare 4 yuan Jining South Bus Station east departure area - Station East Road - Lanji Road - Zoucheng West outer ring - Mine construction Road - Zhuguo Street - Yi Road - Chengqian Road - Zoucheng Bus Station, through Zhuang, No. 2 well intersection, Zoucheng Taiping Town, Beisu Town, European mall, museum (Mengmiao) and other major stations.