TDA7850 is the field output integrated circuit of the TV and TDA7388 audio amplifier integrated circuit are not the same function, so it can not be replaced. The input capacitors o...

Which models of the original car audio amplifier IC can be changed to TDA7850TDA7854?

TDA7850 is the field output integrated circuit of the TV and TDA7388 audio amplifier integrated circuit are not the same function, so it can not be replaced. The input capacitors of pin 11, 12, 14 and 15 of the TDA7388 can be replaced with WIMA audio fever capacitors, and the capacitors of pin 6 and 20 can be replaced with black gold steel capacitors. Because we do not know what circuit the front stage is, in general, all the coupling capacitors of the front stage are replaced with WIMA audio fever capacitors, black gold steel capacitors for filtering large capacitors, Sanyo solid capacitors for small capacity filtering capacitors, and WIMA capacitors for filtering capacitors below 1uF