Due to the wet storage location, the electronic component pin inside the induction cooker is rusted to form a break or poor contact, and it will not work normally when it is turned...

The induction cooker has not been used for a long time, why doesn't it work?

Due to the wet storage location, the electronic component pin inside the induction cooker is rusted to form a break or poor contact, and it will not work normally when it is turned on again.

Due to a long time without use, internal bugs such as cockroaches will bite or damage the circuit components or leads, resulting in the circuit can not work normally;

Due to the storage of environmental oil is too large to cause internal circuit dirty, resulting in circuit leakage can not work; The circuit cannot work normally due to the change of the parameters of the circuit components stored for a long time.

It's a lot of damp on the control board. It's a headache.

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Recommendation 1: Replace all the buttons or remove the less commonly used buttons; Two: red LED and digital tube welding inspection, see if there is water stains below (do not use the welding hair dryer to blow out); Three: repair welding control board and motherboard connection socket feet, the above can not solve the control board can only be replaced.