UTC358 is a broadband low noise operational amplifier with high speed, low noise and low distortion. Its pin diagram and functions are as follows:Pin 1 (V-input : negative input.P...

utc358 Pin chart and function?

UTC358 is a broadband low noise operational amplifier with high speed, low noise and low distortion. Its pin diagram and functions are as follows:

Pin 1 (V-input) : negative input.

Pin 2 (V input) : positive input.

Pin 3 (V-feedback) : negative feedback end.

Pin 4 (Output) : Output end.

Pin 5 (Power -) : Negative power supply end.

Pin 6 (Power supply) : Positive power supply end.

Pin 7 (empty pin) : Not used.

Pin 8 (empty pin) : Not used.

Among them, pins 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the core pins of the UTC358 chip, corresponding to the input, feedback and output of the amplifier respectively. Pins 5 and 6 are power supply pins, providing positive and negative power supply voltage. Pins 7 and 8 are not used.

The pin functions of the UTC358 are as follows:

V-input: negative input of the amplifier.

V input: positive input of the amplifier.

V-feedback: The negative feedback end of the amplifier controls the magnification of the amplifier.

Output: The output of the amplifier.

Power supply - : indicates the negative power supply.

Power supply: Positive power supply.

It should be noted that the specific use method and parameter Settings of the UTC358 chip will vary according to the specific circuit design and application.

UTC358D is a dual op-amp chip, which can be replaced with the very common LM358. It is used in the electromagnetic oven for the current surge protection circuit and the current detection circuit, and the voltage difference of the copper wire is amplified, and then sent to the MCU for processing and closing the PWM output or adjusting the power.