According to the information I have learned, K40H1203 is a three-phase brushless DC motor driver chip of model K40H1203. Here are some general function descriptions of the K40H1203...

k40h1203 Pin function?

According to the information I have learned, K40H1203 is a three-phase brushless DC motor driver chip of model K40H1203. Here are some general function descriptions of the K40H1203 pins:
1. GND: Ground pin.
2. VDD: power supply pin for the normal operation of the chip.
3. RSET: Current detection resistor connection pin.
4. VREF: current detection voltage reference pin.
5. VCP: Mode selection, current detection sampling and overcurrent protection current reference voltage selection pin.
6.EN \/DIAG (Enable\/diagnose) : Enable the control pin, which is used to control the working state of the motor driver. It is also used to provide fault status output related to overcurrent protection or overtemperature protection.
7. VCPHI: Power supply pin, provides motor phase current detection power consumption.
8. BHIK (Phase B Current detection) : The pin used to detect the B phase current in the motor driver.
9. BHI (Phase B High Side drive pin) : Used to control the high side drive pin of phase B in the motor driver.
10. CPHI (Phase C High Side Drive pin) : Used to control the high side drive pin of phase C in the motor driver.
11. CHK (Phase C Current Detection) : The pin used to detect the phase C current in the motor driver.
12.CHI (Phase C High Side drive pin) : Used to control the high side drive pin of phase C in the motor driver.
13. AHIK (Phase A Current Detection) : The pin used to detect the phase A current in the motor driver.
14. AHI (Phase A High Side drive pin) : Used to control the high side drive pin of phase A in the motor driver.
It should be noted that different chip manufacturers may have certain differences in the definition of pins, so the above description is for reference only, the specific pin function is best to refer to the relevant official documents or technical manuals to obtain accurate information.

K40H1203 is a high-voltage and high-power insulated gate bipolar transistor with the following pin functions:
1.G pole: The control pole of the transistor, which is used to control the channel through which the current flows through the transistor.
2. C pole: The collector of a transistor that collects the channel through which current flows through the transistor.
3. E pole: the emitter of a transistor, used to transmit current through the channel of the transistor.
4.B pole: base, connected to the input end of the control signal.
Among them, the G pole, the C pole and the E pole are the three poles of the transistor, which determine the working state and electrical characteristics of the transistor. The B pole is the input end of the control signal, and the working state of the transistor is controlled by controlling the change of the B pole voltage. K40H1203 is widely used in high frequency, high voltage power amplifier and switching power supply and other fields.

Induction cooker special K40H1203 IGBT high-power tube MOS field effect current 40A, withstand voltage 1200V triode