In express delivery, the recipient refers to the person who receives the package sent to the receiving address, referred to as the recipient. The sender refers to the party at the...


In express delivery, the recipient refers to the person who receives the package sent to the receiving address, referred to as the recipient. The sender refers to the party at the place where the parcel is sent, referred to as the sender. If you are the recipient, click \"to\"; If you're the sender, click on the sender.

For example: you have a piece of clothing to send to a friend, you are in Guangdong, friends in Hebei, first you need to contact the express delivery, then fill in the information for, sender: you, shipping address: Guangdong, recipient: friend, receiving address: Hebei. Keep phone numbers. Usually three to four days.

  The recipient is the last person left by the express, in the customer terminal, the Courier needs to be prepared to receive the person is called the recipient, in general, the following list will show the recipient's name, telephone and address and the following one will show the sender's name, telephone and address on some lists will not show, but the recipient will certainly have a detailed address

The recipient refers to the consignee, such as Taobao you buy something, you are the recipient