1. Huawei's product power, brand power and experience deserve this price. With the same parameters, Huawei's products are smoother and more stable. I changed from iPhone EXs to mat...

Why is Huawei p50 Snapdragon more expensive than Kirin?

1. Huawei's product power, brand power and experience deserve this price. With the same parameters, Huawei's products are smoother and more stable. I changed from iPhone EXs to mate40Pro, it can be said that the system level is not inferior to Apple. Why else do you think the high-end market has been stolen by the iPhone after Huawei's collapse, and not MiOV?

2. The market decides. At this price, Huawei is still being robbed, and the offline experience store is still to be booked. The market demand is there. It can't be too cheap.

3. The localization of P50 series is very high, in addition to the remaining inventory hardware, the new hardware has been all localized. At present, the domestic industrial chain is not mature, many domestic parts manufacturers rely on Huawei to support, the total order does not go up, and the R & D unit price of parts has been maintained at a high level.