海思麒麟芯片现状ichaiyang 2024-05-09 23:20 29
Hisilicon Kirin is Huawei's processor brand, which has a high reputation and influence in the global market. However, the reason why Hisilicon Kirin cannot be produced at the momen...

Why can't hisilicon Kirin produce?

Hisilicon Kirin is Huawei's processor brand, which has a high reputation and influence in the global market. However, the reason why Hisilicon Kirin cannot be produced at the moment is because of restrictions imposed by the US government on Huawei. These restrictions affect Huawei's supply chain, including stopping the supply of chips, software, technology and equipment to Huawei.

This has made it difficult for Huawei to acquire the necessary equipment and technology to produce Hisilicon Kirin processors.

In addition, because the manufacturing of Hisilicon Kirin requires a large amount of capital and technology investment, Huawei is also difficult to bear these costs while being restricted. This made Hisilicon Kirin impossible to produce. In short, the reason why Hisilicon Kirin cannot be produced is related to factors such as restrictions and cost investment by the US government. While this has had a certain impact on the Huawei and Hisilicon Kirin brands, Huawei is still looking for new ways and partners to boost its business.