About where to buy a pet shop is more assured, this problem, let me help you analyze.1, the flower and bird pet market, generally larger cities will have, here are basically dog de...

Where to buy a pet is more assured?

About where to buy a pet shop is more assured, this problem, let me help you analyze.

1, the flower and bird pet market, generally larger cities will have, here are basically dog dealers from the countryside or other people's homes at low prices, the dog's quality and pedigree is also wrong, the vaccine is more unable to guarantee, the most important point is, here to buy sick dogs, week dog risk is very large, because this market has long been sick dogs, The remaining canine distemper parvovirus cannot be completely removed because they want to do business, and it is impossible to close the market for a year or so to remove these viruses. When these dealers find that a dog is sick, in order not to hit their own hands at a loss, they inject the serum to these puppies, so that they look more cheerful in a short time, and then several hundred dollars to sell, when you take home, you will find the dog. Immediately changed a kind, no spirit, no appetite, it will be sacrificed in a few days, you go to the shop, basically useless, because when you buy, others will not promise you how many days of health, only to blame you will not keep a dog, keep the dog dead, and finally the dog money is empty, but also got a belly. Therefore, it is not recommended to go to this kind of centralized pet market to buy puppies.

2, pet shop, pet shop dog sources are basically similar to the pet market, but they rarely have spot, you need to pay a little deposit, he help you find a satisfactory dog? Then, the pet shop itself is very few breeding, a year may also be one or two brood, but they help you find a dog channel than the market dog dealer formal, according to the customer's demand for quality, find their own long-term cooperation between kennels or peers transfer goods, from which to earn the difference. Because pet shops have their fixed places of business, they also need word of mouth support, so they will look for dogs. Health problems, vaccines to do a few shots, deworming to do a few times, if not done, they will ask you to make up in his shop, a regular pet shop will take back a puppy distemper fine and crown screening, although this pay more money, but reassuring. The pet store warranty for puppy distemper is generally 7 to 15 days. All in all, the regular pet shop can buy dogs, but the price is relatively high, they also want to make money, can understand.

3, many varieties of low-end dog farms, this place is generally distributed in the suburbs, the dog farm will have more than three kinds of breeds, the environment is relatively bad, dog?? Basically, it is kept in a cage, mainly in order to breed puppies, with more births and more breeding as the principle, for dogs. The health is not much care about, their advantage is low cost, quality errors, but the price is cheap, the puppy vaccine will do, the health risk is relatively small, because the price is low, so the puppy is not willing to invest in the raising of the puppy, so the general puppy out of the litter is relatively small, often they give you the puppy age will be false, for example, is clearly two months old puppy, Because it's small, they'll say only about a month. If you want to buy cheap good dogs in this kind of kennels, it is basically impossible, slightly better, not cheap. The customer source of the dog farm is basically the supply of pet shops and the surrounding individual customers to buy, and their warranty for canine distemper is mostly 7 to 15 days.

4, Taobao, idle fish, 58 and other online platforms to buy, this is the least recommended, Taobao if it is a guaranteed transaction is slightly better, based on its platform is basically by low prices to attract your attention, 300,200 a purebred dog, this is 100% fraud, some you will receive a local dog or sick dog, some will not even send you a dog hair, It will also use a variety of routines to let you continue to make money and send dogs, often fooled by those who are cheap first adopters. The normal feeding cost of a healthy purebred puppy is about 1000 yuan, including food, labor, breeding costs, parent feeding costs, vaccine deworming costs, etc., so the price is too low, it is questionable.

5, the regular CKU registered kennel, which is the most recommended channel to buy dogs, this kennel generally only two to three breeds, some only one breed, and are pedigree dogs, registered in the Chinese Kennel Association CKU, there are formal procedures, can be found on the CKU official website, only this can be called kennel. Their characteristic is that the owner absolutely loves the breed, knows his breed very well, and basically departs all his energy into the kennel work, with the aim of breeding a higher quality dog. To make money, economic value, a little bit also invested in a variety of shows to show their reproductive results. The puppies they breed generally have a double-pedigree birth certificate and chip, which is also the most basic guarantee of purebred dogs, the puppies are generally at least two to three shots of vaccine, will let you take home, the health of the puppies generally will not have problems, canine distemper small is generally guaranteed for one month, the warranty time is the longest. According to the positioning of each kennel, there will be differences in pricing, the same quality and pedigree of dogs, some kennel pricing of more than 10,000 yuan, some set in large thousands, there are three or five thousand, but this pedigree of dogs in general, the price will not be cheap, quality determines the price, this sentence will never be out of date.

All right, that's all I can think of. There are no absolutes, but you get what you pay for, so this one is real.

It is recommended to buy a physical store, generally have a pet street, that is, sell pets in a bath, treat a street, find a larger store, it doesn't matter, those dogs are generally with a certificate, after all, the dog is not a consumable, the breed of pure dog under the pup can also apply for a certificate, the physical store to buy it is safer, there are problems they will help you solve or answer questions. If you buy online, there are many weeks of dogs or impure breeds of crossbreeds, when it is difficult to settle claims or return