1, circuit board burning IGBT or fuse maintenanceProgram current fuse or IGBT burned out, first confirm that the following parts are in the normal state can be replaced, otherwise,...

Common faults of electromagnetic stir-fry furnace?

1, circuit board burning IGBT or fuse maintenance

Program current fuse or IGBT burned out, first confirm that the following parts are in the normal state can be replaced, otherwise, IGBT and fuse will burn out.

1) Visual current fuse is not burned;

2) Detect whether IGBT breakdown: Use multimeter diode file to measure whether IGBT \"E\

3) Whether the rectifier bridge is normal: A: The multimeter has a voltage drop of about 0.9 volts when the red pen is connected to \"-\" and the black pen is connected to \"\". B: The red pen of the multimeter is connected to \"-\

4) To measure whether the transformer is broken, the normal state is as follows: Use the multimeter resistance to measure the transformer secondary resistance of about 80Ω, the initial terminal of 0Ω.

5) Check whether chip 8316 is broken down. Measurement method: Use a multimeter to measure pin 8316, requiring no short circuit between 1 and 2,1 and 4,7 and 2,7 and 4.

6) Check whether capacitors C301, C302, C303 are damaged by heat. (if the damage has been deformed or fused); 7) Whether the insulation protection of the thermal switch at the IGBT is damaged. Detection of poor key operation Measures whether the CPU port is broken down.

2, the key action is bad

Use a multimeter diode to measure the voltage drop between the CPU pole and the ground terminal. The red pen of the multimeter is connected to Ground, and the black pen is connected to each pole of the CPU. Otherwise, the CPU port is broken down.

3, the power can not meet the requirements

1) Coil disk short circuit: test coil disk inductance: PSD coefficient L=157±5μH, PD series L=140±5μH. 2) Whether the pot is the specified pot.

3) Whether the distance between the pot and the coil plate is normal.

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4, check whether each component is loose, whether it is fully assembled after the inspection of bad conditions:

1) No heating: Check whether the transformer has broken feet.

2) Can not be turned on: check whether the thermistor terminal is well connected.

3) Long ringing after plugging in: Check whether the terminal of the temperature switch is properly connected.

4) No small object detection (no alarm) : check whether the resistance R301~R307 is normal. R301 to R302 use 68KΩ. R303 to R306 use 130 kω. R307 use 3.0 kω

5) The fan does not turn, check whether the transistor Q2 is burned out.

5, commercial electromagnetic cooker basic fault code

1) No pot alarm. E1 is displayed after the device is powered on. The red light blinks with \"One\" at the same time. A, stir-fry stove\/flat head low soup stove may not put the pot, put the pot to see if it is normal. B, the large cooker and other have been put in the pot shows 1, check whether the distance of the wire tray changes, or whether the pot has been put in the magnetic, please use the company's special distribution pot. C, the red light is on, showing the current gear, the blue light is off when it flashes, it occurs repeatedly, the pot is wrong or the line is far away.

2) Open the pan thermistor. Replace the coil temperature base.

3) Pan (wire pan) over temperature protection. After a period of time, E2 appears, check whether the coil fan is running, such as running is most likely due to the deterioration of the coil thermistor, at this time to replace the coil no temperature base.

4) IGBT thermistor overtemperature. The cooling fan on the movement does not turn or is too slow, check the fan and plug, if there is no problem, the relay may be damaged, and the emergency repair method is: the relay housing is clamped, that is, the relay contact is normally open. But to make it clear to the customer that the wind will turn on the power, but it will not affect the use.

5) IGBT thermistor open circuit, at this time try to replace the movement or professional maintenance plate replacement aluminum plate temperature base.

6) Pot thermistor short circuit, pot bottom temperature measuring seat fault, replace and solve.

7) The voltage is too low, and the power supply voltage is not enough.

9) The voltage is too high, the power supply voltage is too high.

6. There is no reaction on the commercial electromagnetic cooker, the display is not bright, and the switch handle can be turned on to work

At this time, disassemble the front plate of the furnace and check whether the wiring of the display is in bad contact or broken.

7, the commercial electromagnetic cooker power display is normal, twist the switch handle, but there is no reaction

At this time, the focus should be on checking the switch handle potentiometer or encoder, to see if the potentiometer and encoder are rotated together when the handle is rotated, and the connection is not in bad contact, and then the chassis cover is opened to see if the plug of the switch connection is loose, and the plug is re-inserted once, if it can not be discharged, replace the switch.

8. There is no reaction when the commercial electromagnetic cooker is powered on, the display is not bright, and the switch handle cannot be turned on to work

Open the front plate of the power breaker and check whether the transformer's wiring is in bad contact or broken. If the fault persists, it is possible that the transformer is damaged.

9, the commercial induction cooker works normally, but after working for a period of time, the front switch of the commercial induction cooker automatically trips, and then starts up and can work

This situation is generally due to the front-end switch overcurrent capacity is not enough, requiring customers to replace the switch.

10, commercial electromagnetic cooker can not be powered on, each time on the trip

At this time, the ground wire of the commercial electromagnetic cooker is disassembled and suspended, and then opened, if it can be opened, it indicates that the machine has leakage phenomenon, check the coil fan, insulation cotton or switch, and remove it one by one, when it can close the brake, it indicates which part is broken, replacement or repair.

Induction cooker often encountered faults including the sound of the exhaust fan is very loud, the main reason is because the exhaust fan of the air outlet failure or blockage caused, there is a problem is the induction cooker frequent heating uneven failure, that is, half may conduct heat, and the other part may not heat the situation

1 Explosive machine - burn insurance and IGBT.

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The specific performance is that the power does not react, the whole machine does not work. When we disassemble the machine, we will find that the safety has exploded, and exploded very badly, and the glass walls of the safety have been blown black. We further check, we will find that the IGBT under the big radiator also broke down, and sometimes the rectifier bridge also burned, but the rectifier bridge is much stronger than the IGBT, under normal circumstances, only the IGBT is burned.

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In this case, we should not rush to replace the parts. Also check to see if there are any other broken parts. When I encountered this situation, I measured all the large resistance in the circuit, and the two triodes (8050,8550) that drive the IGBT should also be measured, and then take a look at the 300V filter capacitor and 0.33uF resonant capacitor. If these are OK, replace all the broken parts except the IGBT. At this time, power on the test machine to test whether the B pole 0V of 5V, 15V or 18V, IGBT is normal. Only when these voltages are normal can IGBT be installed. That'll eliminate most of the blowups.

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2 The machine has no reaction, but no explosion

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Test machine, the whole machine does not work, disassemble the induction cooker, found that the fuse is intact.

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This situation is generally the induction cooker power conversion chip burned out, it generally produces 18V voltage, and then 7805 into 5V voltage for the CPU to work, without 5V, the CPU does not work, the whole machine does not work. Induction cooker such chips are generally used viper12a, viper22a, thx203h and so on. Test the periphery of the power conversion chip to see if there is a small device associated with damage, if there is, replace it.

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This kind of failure should first understand the meaning of the code, and then the purpose of maintenance. There are many induction cooker fault codes on the Internet, and we can make full use of them. Such failures are generally those with large resistance values and large body resistance values, which can be measured one by one and replaced with variable values. Also check the transformer, 300v\/5uF capacitor, thermistor and the only potentiometer in the induction cooker. As long as these places are found, such faults can generally be eliminated. A few may also be caused by LM339 damage, which can be verified by substitution methods.

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4 Function disorder, some press the power button did not respond.

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This kind of fault is the best repair, generally the key is broken, or the key plate dirty leakage, change the key or clean the key plate can solve this kind of problem.

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5 CPU is broken

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6 No heating or intermittent heating.

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This kind of fault is not very good to repair, temperature detection resistor, synchronous oscillation circuit, IGBT driver, IGBT C extreme high voltage protection circuit, current detection circuit, PWM modulation circuit, CPU circuit may be related to this kind of fault. Fixing such faults is a test of our patience.