answerNorth Korea is currently unable to produce lithography machines.In chip manufacturing, the lithography machine is the core equipment that cannot be bypassed. Using ultraviole...

Can North Korea produce lithography machines?

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North Korea is currently unable to produce lithography machines.

In chip manufacturing, the lithography machine is the core equipment that cannot be bypassed. Using ultraviolet light to remove the protective film on the wafer surface, the machine that completes this step is the lithography machine. We can understand the lithography machine as an imaging device, it illuminates the light source to the set image, and through the imaging system, the circuit pattern is accurately copied to the wafer, and the graphics and functional areas required for the chip are produced.

What seems like a simple principle is the nanoscale precision behind it. The accuracy of this nanometer to nanometer is impossible for many countries to overcome.

No, the lithography machine is assembled by some complex or high-precision components. In addition to high assembly technology requirements, most of the components mentioned above are manufactured by multiple multinational companies, such as the lens of the lithography machine, so a single country does not have all the technologies to produce all the parts. I hope it can help you.

Of course not.

In the world, only Japan and the Netherlands can produce lithography machines.

At present, the most advanced lithography machine is the EUV lithography machine of the Dutch ASML company. This state-of-the-art lithography machine is composed of more than 80,000 parts, 90% of which are provided by suppliers, and no country can rely on its own to complete the manufacturing of the entire equipment.

The level of modern science and technology in North Korea is relatively backward, the technical requirements for manufacturing lithography machines are still very high, and the general country can not produce, especially high-end lithography machines, and there are not many countries with production capacity.