什么是28nm芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-09 22:59 28
28nm domestic lithography machine can manufacture mobile phone chips, but its manufacturing efficiency and quality may not be as good as foreign brands of lithography machine. In t...

Can 28nm domestic photolithography make mobile phone chips?

28nm domestic lithography machine can manufacture mobile phone chips, but its manufacturing efficiency and quality may not be as good as foreign brands of lithography machine. In the current development stage of China's chip manufacturing, domestic lithography machines have been able to meet the manufacturing needs of some low-end mobile phone chips, but the manufacturing of high-end chips still needs to rely on imported high-end lithography machines. With the continuous improvement of technology and the continuous development of domestic lithography machines, it is believed that the market share of domestic lithography machines in the field of mobile phone chip manufacturing will continue to increase in the future.

Can produce 10nm chips.

The 28nm lithography machine can produce 10nm chips. In the era of no euv lithography machine, TSMC has been able to produce 7nm chips with 28nm lithography machines, so the production of 10nm is completely no problem. The principle is roughly to achieve a higher process by repeatedly etching the wafer with multiple exposures. Domestic companies such as SMIC can now also produce 10nm chips.