First place: Kirin 9905G1, 5G: Kirin 990 5G SoC integration, 865 is 5G plug-in.2, process: Kirin 990 5G 7nm EUV, ahead of 865 7nm a process era.3, CPU: Kirin 990 5G A76 magic chang...

Huawei chip 990 mobile phone ranking?

First place: Kirin 9905G

1, 5G: Kirin 990 5G SoC integration, 865 is 5G plug-in.

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2, process: Kirin 990 5G 7nm EUV, ahead of 865 7nm a process era.

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3, CPU: Kirin 990 5G A76 magic change, performance has a new upgrade, well-deserved performance monster. Although the A77 performance is improved by 20% compared to the A76, the corresponding power consumption is also increased, and it will be known when the mobile phone comes out to see the measured data. Kirin 990 5G and 865 performance is comparable, but the other side is difficult to match the energy efficiency ratio.

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4, GPU: According to the latest rigorous GFXBench 5.0 assessment, Kirin 990 5G scored 19 points, 865 scored 21 points.