The so-called terminal, that is, the end of the product sales channel (channel , is the link where the product directly reaches the hands of the consumer (or user , is the final po...

What does terminal business mean?

The so-called terminal, that is, the end of the product sales channel (channel), is the link where the product directly reaches the hands of the consumer (or user), is the final port where the product reaches the consumer to complete the transaction, and is the place where the product and the consumer face to face display and transaction. The terminal is the springboard for \"a shock jump from commodities to money\" and the only place where \"not inventory transfer, but real sales\" can be achieved. The terminal bears the responsibility of connecting the preceding and the following, the so-called bearing on - that is, the manufacturers and wholesalers; The so-called next - is the next consumer. Through this port and place, manufacturers and merchants sell products to consumers, complete the final transaction, and enter the substantive consumption; Through this port, consumers can buy the products they need.