The Japanese company Kaixia and its partners have successfully developed a process that can manufacture 5nm process chips without the use of EUV lithography.This is a new technolog...

How does nil chip work?

The Japanese company Kaixia and its partners have successfully developed a process that can manufacture 5nm process chips without the use of EUV lithography.

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This is a new technology process called NIL (Nano imprint lithography), in contrast to the extreme ultraviolet process, the NIL new process does not use EUV lithography machine, and does not require the use of lenses.

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It is said that the technology is a Japanese company called Kaishia and semiconductor manufacturer Canon cooperation, and light masks, templates and other semiconductor components manufacturer DNP cooperation and developed nanoimprint lithography technology. At present, we have mastered the 15nm mass production technology, and the process below 15nm is being studied.