The unit nanometer inside the chip is actually a unit of measurement, nano refers to the length unit of the chip, the smaller the number of chip nanometers, the more advanced it is...

Is the chip nm as low as possible?

The unit nanometer inside the chip is actually a unit of measurement, nano refers to the length unit of the chip, the smaller the number of chip nanometers, the more advanced it is. Nanometers are so small, one nanometer is about four atoms in size, that the human eye cannot see it.

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Nanochips are not small just to reduce power consumption, the smaller the chip line, the smaller the capacitor effect that the binary switch needs to overcome, the higher the frequency of the binary switch, the higher the chip performance.

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The smaller the nanometer size of the chip, the higher the level of etching required by the lithography machine, then the more transistors can be etched in a unit area, the smaller the number of nanometers of the chip, the more transistors it represents, the more powerful the performance.

nm refers to the characteristic size of the chip manufacturing process, that is, the minimum conducting channel length of the chip CMOS transistor gate.

The more advanced the process, the smaller the feature size.

Of course, now the so-called 14nm and 10nm of TSMC and Samsung do not reflect the real minimum gate channel length.