Circulation salesman and terminal salesman are two different positions of salesman, their main difference is responsible for the market link and work content.1. Responsible for the...

What is the difference between circulation salesman and terminal salesman?

Circulation salesman and terminal salesman are two different positions of salesman, their main difference is responsible for the market link and work content.

1. Responsible for the market link: the circulation salesman is mainly responsible for the circulation channel of the product, that is, the process from the manufacturer to the distributor, wholesaler and then to the retailer. They mainly cooperate with distributors and wholesalers to promote the smooth flow of products in various circulation links. Terminal salesmen mainly face the consumer market, responsible for promoting and selling products in retailers, supermarkets and other terminal sales places. Their focus is on increasing sales and market share in end markets.

2. Job content: Circulation salesmen need to have certain contacts and channel resources, and have a high sensitivity to the market.

Their main work includes: maintaining existing customer relationships, developing new customers, communicating with customers about orders, delivery dates, prices, etc., and tracking the flow of goods to ensure that goods reach customers on time.

Terminal salesmen need to have strong sales skills and marketing capabilities, and have an in-depth understanding of consumer demand and purchasing behavior.

Their main work includes: communication and cooperation with the terminal sales premises, the development and implementation of marketing plans, product display and promotion activities, as well as the collection of market information, feedback on consumer demand and competitors.

In general, the circulation salesman and the terminal salesman have obvious differences in the market link and work content, but both are committed to promoting product sales and improving market share.

The difference lies in the scope of responsibility. The circulation salesman is responsible for the business work in the circulation process, and the terminal salesman is responsible for the data analysis, statistics and integrated management of the entire project terminal.