gpu芯片龙头股票ichaiyang 2024-05-09 22:23 67
vpu is a video processor dedicated to hardware codec video, a concept separate from GPU (graphics processor , and vpu is not currently standard.GPU, that is, graphics processor, is...

What is the difference between vpu and gpu and cpu?

vpu is a video processor dedicated to hardware codec video, a concept separate from GPU (graphics processor), and vpu is not currently standard.

GPU, that is, graphics processor, is often said \"graphics card\

At present, vpu is mainly developed on low-power devices, specifically for the chip-level optimization of video codec, which can achieve further double improvement of efficiency and energy consumption, and is more specialized than GPU, which is a relatively hybrid functional hardware.

CPU is the central processing unit (CPU), is the core hardware of the computer elders, the original computer only has CPU without GPU, and no vpu. If the CPU is compared to a scientist who can solve a complex problem, then the GPU is a group of students who can do math and can solve a bunch of relatively simple problems in large quantities. Graphics processing and video codec are the areas where the latter is good at. A GPU is composed of hundreds of relatively simple processing cores. A CPU consists of two to eight powerful processing cores. When it comes to a large number of simple problems, the CPU consumes more energy than the GPU, which is the value of the GPU.