To determine which nanoprocess is better, several factors need to be considered, including performance, power consumption, and cost.For the same chip, the use of 28 nm process rela...

Which is better, 45 nanometers or 28 nanometers?

To determine which nanoprocess is better, several factors need to be considered, including performance, power consumption, and cost.

For the same chip, the use of 28 nm process relative to 45 nm process, usually has higher performance and lower power consumption. This is because the 28nm process can provide greater integration and smaller transistor sizes, allowing for higher frequency and lower voltage operation. This means that 28nm chips can provide better performance and lower power consumption.

However, the 28nm process is also more expensive relative to the 45nm process. The 28nm process requires higher investment and a more complex manufacturing process, resulting in higher production costs. As a result, 28nm chips are likely to cost more.

To sum up, if the pursuit of higher performance and lower power consumption, and the budget allows, then 28 nm process is better. But if cost is a key factor, the 45nm process could be more affordable. The final choice should be based on specific needs and budget.

28 nanometers is better than 45 nanometers, and the smaller the number, the more transistors you can fit in the same area.