The limit of an integrated circuit chip is 0.1 nanometers, which is the physical limit of the chip's manufacturing equipment, the lithography machine. But while the nanometer is an...

What is the concept of 0.1 nanometer chip?

The limit of an integrated circuit chip is 0.1 nanometers, which is the physical limit of the chip's manufacturing equipment, the lithography machine. But while the nanometer is an accurate unit of measure, the quantum is the smallest known physical unit, a concept mainly used in the microscopic world.

According to the law that the smaller the volume of a single component, the stronger the overall computing power of the chip, on the basis of the traditional semiconductor process, the optical quantum chip that uses the optical quantum effect to achieve efficient computing will far exceed the limit of what the traditional chip can do in terms of performance.

Because the production process is different, the optical quantum chip can be produced without the lithography machine, which also means that the current most advanced 5 nm, 3 nm chip process will no longer be the top chip technology, and the pursuit of smaller nano chips will completely lose significance.

A 0.1-nanometer chip is very, very strong, but unfortunately it's not possible to make one at the moment.

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At present, the smallest process chips that can be manufactured are 3 nanometers, which are respectively made by Samsung and TSMC, but the product performance and heat output are not satisfactory. In his online keynote speech at the opening of the 2021 International Solid-State Circuit Conference, TSMC Chairman Liu Deyin pointed out that TSMC's 3nm process is advancing according to plan, even ahead of expectations, and 3nm and future major process nodes will be launched and entered production as scheduled. TSMC's 3-nanometer process is expected to go into trial production in the second half of this year and enter mass production in the second half of next year.