什么是终端ichaiyang 2024-05-08 13:08 18
What it is is their role and function in the different aspects of product distribution and sales.1. Circulation: Circulation refers to the process of selling and distributing produ...

What's the difference between circulation and terminal?

What it is is their role and function in the different aspects of product distribution and sales.

1. Circulation: Circulation refers to the process of selling and distributing products from producers to consumers.

In this process, the product goes through all aspects of the supply chain, including production, warehousing, transportation and sales, in order to finally reach the hands of consumers.

The goal of circulation is to achieve the efficient distribution and market supply of products, ensuring that products are available to consumers at the right time, place and quantity.

2. Terminal: Terminal refers to the last level of sales, that is, the location or channel where the product is finally provided to the consumer.

The terminal can be a physical store, or it can be an online shopping platform or other forms of sales.

The main task of the terminal is to interact directly with consumers and provide product display, sales and after-sales service.

As a sales portal, the terminal bears the important functions of meeting consumer demand, promoting sales and increasing product market share.

Therefore, circulation and terminal play different roles and functions in the process of product distribution and sales.

Circulation is responsible for the logistics and market distribution of the entire supply chain, while the terminal is the last link in direct contact with the consumer.

The differences are as follows:

First, the difference in scope: the circulation channel refers to the whole process of the production of goods to the hands of final consumers; Terminal channel refers to the final process of goods facing consumers.

Second, the difference between the whole and the part: the circulation channel is a whole; Terminal channels are only partial, and circulation channels include terminal channels.

Circulation and terminal are two important concepts in supply chain. Circulation refers to the whole process of products from producers to consumers, including production, transportation, storage, distribution and other links. The terminal refers to the location or channel where the product is finally sold to the consumer, such as retail stores, e-commerce platforms, etc.

Circulation emphasizes the operation of the entire supply chain, while the terminal focuses on the final sale of the product.

Circulation involves multiple links and participants, and the terminal is the last link, directly in contact with consumers. The selection and management of the terminal has an important impact on the sales and marketing of the product.