Seven nanometers is one ten-thousandth the size of a human hair.The diameter of a human hair is about 60,000 nanometers, so a nanometer is one 60,000th the diameter of a human hair...

How big is 7 nanometers?

Seven nanometers is one ten-thousandth the size of a human hair.

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The diameter of a human hair is about 60,000 nanometers, so a nanometer is one 60,000th the diameter of a human hair. Nanometers, also known as nanometers, are a measure of length. A nanometer is about 0.000001 mm. The so-called nanotechnology refers to a new technology that studies the motion laws and characteristics of electrons, atoms and molecules in the scale of 0.1~100 nanometers.

The nanometer (symbol nm) is a unit of length, originally called a nanometer, that is, 10^-9 meters (one billionth of a meter), that is, 10^-6 millimeters (one millionth of a millimeter). Like the centimeter, decimeter, and meter, it is a measure of length. That's four times the size of an atom, and 7 nanometers =70^-9 meters smaller than the length of a single bacterium

In the field of integrated circuits, the complete name should be 7nm process, or 7nm process. It means that in integrated circuits (chips), the size of a component can be as small as 7nm.

By analogy, the 16nm process means that the component can be 16nm in size. Obviously, the smaller the component size, the more advanced the technology, the more difficult it is to manufacture.