Silicon optical integrated chip is a technology combining optoelectronics and microelectronics, which can realize the transmission, transmission and reception of optical signals on...

Why do we need silicon optical integrated chips?

Silicon optical integrated chip is a technology combining optoelectronics and microelectronics, which can realize the transmission, transmission and reception of optical signals on the same chip.

Compared with traditional electronic chips, silicon optical integrated chips have higher transmission rate, lower power consumption and smaller size. It has a wide range of applications in communication, computing, sensing and medical fields. The development of silicon optical integrated chips will promote the further development of information technology to achieve faster and more efficient data transmission and processing.

Silicon optical integrated chip is a technology that combines optoelectronics and microelectronics, and its main purpose is to integrate optical signals and electrical signals on the same chip.

This integrated technology can greatly improve communication speed and data transmission distance, while also reducing energy consumption and costs.

Silicon optical integrated chips are widely used in the fields of data center, communication network and high performance computing, so its development has important strategic significance and economic value.