终端设备有哪些ichaiyang 2024-05-08 13:07 35
The meanings of front end and terminal are as follows:Front end for the website, usually refers to the front end of the website includes the presentation layer and the structure la...

What are front ends and terminals?

The meanings of front end and terminal are as follows:

Front end for the website, usually refers to the front end of the website includes the presentation layer and the structure layer of the website. Therefore, front-end technology is generally divided into front-end design and front-end development, front-end design can generally be understood as the visual design of the website, front-end development is the realization of the front desk code of the website, including basic HTML and CSS and JavaScript\/ajax, and now the latest advanced version of HTML5, CSS3, and SVG.

Terminals are typically \"dumb\" user devices that are connected to a centralized mainframe system, such as an IBM mainframe computer. The terminal receives keyboard input from the user and sends it to the host system. The host system processes the keyboard input and commands of this user, and then the output is returned and displayed on the screen of this terminal. Personal computers can run programs called terminal emulators to mimic the work of a dumb terminal.

Simply put, the front end is the web page you browse, and the terminal is the device you use to browse these web pages, such as mobile phones, ipads, these devices belong to the terminal