终端设备有哪些ichaiyang 2024-05-08 13:07 42
TC, short for tesla coil, is a transformer that operates on the principle of resonance (resonance transformer , invented by the SerbiAn-American scientist Nikola Tesla in 1891, mai...

What device is tc?

TC, short for tesla coil, is a transformer that operates on the principle of resonance (resonance transformer), invented by the SerbiAn-American scientist Nikola Tesla in 1891, mainly used to produce ultra-high voltage but low current, high frequency AC power.

Terminal Controller (TC): Terminal controller

The remote terminal controller is a general controller used to collect and remote control various input and output signals on the distributed remote communication network

Used to connect PS\/2 mouse and PS\/2 keyboard, the green interface is connected to the mouse, and the blue interface is connected to the keyboard; The serial interface is used to access the equipment such as external Modem and recording pen. The parallel LPT interface is used to connect to older needle and inkjet printers.