1. \"The Matrix\" : The film tells the story of humans rebelling against machines in a virtual reality world in which Neo, the main character, undergoes a series of body modificati...

A body modification movie?

1. \"The Matrix\" : The film tells the story of humans rebelling against machines in a virtual reality world in which Neo, the main character, undergoes a series of body modifications, including microchip implants and drug injections.

2. Ex Machina: This movie tells the story of an artificially intelligent robot trying to escape a laboratory, in which Ava is designed to have human looks and emotions, but her body is still constructed as a machine.

3. Transcendence: The film tells the story of a scientist who uploades his consciousness to a computer and his body is transformed into a superagent capable of controlling an entire computer system.

4. Terminator 2: Judgment Day: This movie tells the story of a robot that travels back in time to protect a future human leader, in which the robot T-800 is transformed into a more human figure.

5. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter: The film tells the story of a world after the outbreak of Resident Evil, where humans undergo various body modifications in order to survive, such as implanting chips, injecting drugs, and so on.

These films all involve the concept of human body modification, showing the combination of human body and technology through science fiction elements, and also exploring the relationship between technology and humanity.