Genius scientist Yang Fan travels to the body of a 10-year-old boy in a parallel world, triggering a series of earth-shattering events.The protagonist was implanted with a super ch...

The main character opens a novel with a microchip?

Genius scientist Yang Fan travels to the body of a 10-year-old boy in a parallel world, triggering a series of earth-shattering events.

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The protagonist was implanted with a super chip at the beginning, striking the entire semiconductor industry.

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Easily, he changed the world's energy landscape.

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What? Someone's gonna use fusion to destroy the earth, so don't worry. I'll just disable his program.

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Fei Lu novel network original novel: \"I love invention: on the super chip at the beginning\"; This novel and its characters are purely fictional. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be copied.

\"Urban I Have a Chip in My Head.\"

Author: The bun has pleats

brief introduction

Chen Tianrui, a high school student, was expelled from school, was slapped in the face by reality, and happened to meet a madman who implanted a chip in his brain, from now on, I will let all those who look down on me be trampled under my feet. A beautiful tutor? The school flower? A policeman? An air stewardess? Nothing escapes my grasp! See how I turn my hands into clouds in this city.....