The Tech Geek Who Traveled through TimeAuthor: It's all bullshitintroduction of worksIn 2068, Long Tianyu, the chief designer of the smart chip, was murdered by his colleagues. At...

An urban novel, not a power one, where the main character has a microchip implanted in his brain and someone else's memories implanted?

The Tech Geek Who Traveled through Time

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Author: It's all bullshit

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introduction of works

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In 2068, Long Tianyu, the chief designer of the smart chip, was murdered by his colleagues. At the last moment of his life, he implanted the chip he designed into his brain and gained extraordinary skills. By chance, he traveled back to ancient times, including a series of modern routine operations such as fighting mountain thieves alone, extracting metal, developing lighting equipment, designing transport vehicles, etc. But let him in the ancient mixed wind and water, but also married a seemingly fairy farmer woman as his wife, it is true that gold will shine where.

Two rest warriors author: Small cake cake introduction: Good men, on the battlefield to shed blood, only when, they occasionally need to rest, weekends, is they to chase dreams to pursue true love of free time.