1. There is a reason why Huawei does not have 5G. Other domestic mobile phones are now using 5G mobile phones, because Huawei's 5G is sanctioned by the United States, which prohibi...

Why Huawei doesn't have 5g?

1. There is a reason why Huawei does not have 5G. Other domestic mobile phones are now using 5G mobile phones, because Huawei's 5G is sanctioned by the United States, which prohibits any other enterprise from exporting 5G products to Huawei in China, so Huawei is sanctioned, no 5G chips can be used, only 4g chips can be used

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2. China has Huawei and is proud of Huawei. China must vigorously support Huawei and cheer for Huawei. Huawei is a pure domestic independent research and development, independent production, we must support Huawei

Because Huawei does not have high-end signal parts at present, it has not been studied out of 5G, and the former Huawei chip was provided by the United States, but the United States has temporarily provided chips before, so Huawei has not been studied out.