How a chip works: A chip is an integrated circuit made up of a large number of transistors. Different chips have different integration scales, up to several hundred million; As small as tens or hundreds of transistors. Transistors have two states, on and off, represented by 1s and 0s. Multiple transistors produce multiple signals of 1s and 0s that are programmed to perform specific functions (i.e., instructions and data) to represent or process letters, numbers, colors, graphics, etc.
After the chip is powered on, it first generates a start instruction to start the chip, and then it continuously accepts new instructions and data to complete the function. The production process of the most complex chips (such as CPU chips, graphics chips, etc.) : 1. Cut high-purity silicon wafers into thin slices 2. A layer of silica is generated on the surface of each slice. 3. A sensitive layer is covered on the silica layer and photoetched 4. Another layer of silica is added, and then photolithography is performed once, so that multiple layers are added. 5. The entire wafer is cut into individual chip units and packaged.
A chip is an integrated circuit that consists of a large number of transistors. Different chips have different integration scales, up to several hundred million; As small as tens or hundreds of transistors. Transistors have two states, on and off, represented by 1s and 0s. Multiple transistors produce multiple signals of 1s and 0s that are programmed to perform specific functions (i.e., instructions and data) to represent or process letters, numbers, colors, graphics, etc.
After the chip is powered on, it first generates a start instruction to start the chip, and then it continuously accepts new instructions and data to complete the function.
Chip working principle:
An integrated circuit with tens or tens of billions of transistors inside. It uses a certain process to connect the transistors, resistors, capacitors and inductors needed in a circuit and other components and wiring together, and is produced on a small or several small pieces of semiconductor chips or dielectric substrates to form a closely connected and internally related electronic circuit.