Disassembling method:1, the upper and lower cover of the power adapter is injection molded or glued with strong adhesive, without any screws, so it can generally only be cracked by...

Power adapter disassembly method and maintenance steps?

Disassembling method:

1, the upper and lower cover of the power adapter is injection molded or glued with strong adhesive, without any screws, so it can generally only be cracked by violence. However, as long as the method is proper, the disassembled power adapter can be completely restored, and it is almost impossible to see the traces of the disassembly without careful observation.

2. Place the power adapter on the horizontal side of the white paper, cut the gap between the upper and lower covers of the power adapter with the edge of the electrician's knife, and then hit the back of the electrician's knife with the hammer, so that the electrician's knife is cut between the upper and lower covers of the adapter. At different positions of the gap between the upper and lower covers of the adapter, use the tip of the electrician's knife to swipe along the gap. When a certain part of the upper and lower covers is first cracked, push the tip of the knife deep, and then slowly separate the upper and lower covers of the adapter.

3, then open the shell of the power adapter, you can see the adapter circuit outside the bread copper shielding layer, use a utility knife to cut the shielding layer on the tape paper, and then use the electric soldering iron to open the shielding layer and the internal circuit board connected to the two solder joints, that is, the shielding layer can be removed.

4, the shielding layer and the circuit board is also separated by a thick hard plastic film, and then cut with a utility knife, you can.

Maintenance steps:

1, if the original adapter has a problem, can not be repaired or too late to repair, you can use other adapters to replace, as long as the output voltage and power are roughly equivalent. There is also a voltage regulator inside the laptop, so don't worry too much about the output voltage mismatch. In the maintenance, the first step needs to be done is tool preparation. We need a multimeter, screwdriver and welding tools.

2, there are four plastic caps on the power adapter, as far as possible do not destroy the adapter shell, shell damage, there will be electromagnetic radiation strengthening and other problems, affecting the stability of the machine. If the shell is damaged, repair it as much as possible. If the external power supply is not powered, then you can plug in the battery to try, if the machine can start normally, there may be a problem with the power cord or adapter. After opening the appearance and opening the shielding layer, it is best to first check the welding foot, which can be observed by naked eyes, and the circuit is intermittent, generally poor contact. Then use a multimeter to detect whether there is a problem with the power cord to simplify the difficulty of maintenance.

3, in the test process, if it is found that the resistance pin is virtual welding, and then use the welding tool to patch it on, the power adapter is installed again, boot test, the problem is solved. It should be noted that if there is a problem with a capacitor during the detection process, you can buy a capacitor with a model and capacity (the price is about 5 yuan), and then weld the problematic capacitor down and weld the new capacitor on. If the IC power chip is found to have a problem, then it can be solved in the same way, of course, because the IC chip is definitely one of the most important electronic components in the power adapter, the capacitor is too complex.

4, the optional power adapter in the maintenance process, because the current power adapter has a large number of chip components, once the components out of the problem, the maintenance is more difficult. The power of the power adapter is also increasing day by day, so that the test of electronic components is more and more large, if the quality of the electronic components used in the power adapter is not good, PCB wiring is improper, it is likely to increase the probability of failure. Therefore, the purchase of a good quality power adapter is very helpful to the stability of the notebook.

5, check whether the capacitor resistance inductance problem, such as the capacitor bulge, it is best to replace in time, so as not to leave hidden dangers.

Screwdriver to remove the screws, more commonly bad accessories rectifier diode, transistor, MOS tube, safety tube, and power management chip. It is recommended that non-professionals do not repair themselves without basic knowledge of electronics, and use electricity safely to protect their own safety.