81.482 million.\"Bacon Bear 2: Golden Agent\" is a 3D animated film directed by Zhang Yang, the second film in the \"Bacon Bear\" series, which is mainly in a light and witty comed...

Unlucky Bear Movie 2 Golden Agent Box Office?

81.482 million.

\"Bacon Bear 2: Golden Agent\" is a 3D animated film directed by Zhang Yang, the second film in the \"Bacon Bear\" series, which is mainly in a light and witty comedy style.

The film tells the story of the secret agent bear Bacon accidentally lost the super chip, become an ordinary polar bear, in order to achieve his secret agent dream, he embarked on an adventure to find the chip. In this process, I met many lovely partners with different personalities, triggered a series of hilarious own-dragon events, and also understood the true meaning of friendship and growth in getting along with my partners.

Through July 27, the Unlucky Bear movie 2 Secret Agent grossed 38.888 million yuan