To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, the documentary channel of the Film, Television and Documentary Center of the China Me...

What's the antecedent?

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, the documentary channel of the Film, Television and Documentary Center of the China Media Group began to release a six-episode special film titled \"Advance\" from October 14, recalling the development of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in the past 40 years of reform and opening up, and telling the story of Shenzhen in the process of building the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the socialist pilot demonstration zone with Chinese characteristics.

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This feature film is divided into six episodes, each episode 25 minutes, it through the top-level design of urban development, the upgrading of the spirit of innovation, the construction of the rule of law breakthrough, the shaping and development of urban civilization, the construction of the people's livelihood and welfare system and the creation of green high-quality development of the source of vitality of six perspectives, interspersed with many \"Shenzhen people\" struggle stories, three-dimensional touch the heartbeat of the city. It shows the changes of society and the evolution of The Times in an all-round way, and from different sides lets us see what kind of spiritual outline the city of Shenzhen has, realizing that it is not only the frontier of reform and the happy land of entrepreneurship, but also a \"colorful Shenzhen\" with fireworks and pleasant living.

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Bearing in mind the history of the sentimental years, continuing the spirit of dissemination of feelings, this feature film brings a new image narrative and cultural memory to the city, see people see things see the spirit of the city, it profoundly decodes the development legend of Shenzhen.

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Reviewing the miracle of Shenzhen's take-off, it shows the majestic power of reform and opening up

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As a test field, vanguard and important window of reform and opening up, Shenzhen is only 40 years old, but its richness and demonstration role exceeds that of any other city in China, and even is unique in the world. How did all this happen?

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In the first episode, the feature film \"Advance\" focuses on reviewing the extraordinary course of Shenzhen's development in the past 40 years. It selects important nodes and typical scenes of reform and opening up development, uses the historical moments of successive central leaders' inspection of Shenzhen as the core framework, and leads the audience to return to the historical scene through a series of precious historical materials, historical objects, and the narration of those who witnessed it at that time. Outline the trajectory of the city's development.

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\"A blank piece of paper, starting from scratch, and drawing the most beautiful and best picture.\" What top-level design did the country's leaders make at that time; What kind of explorations were carried out by the city builders; What challenges this city has faced; How did it bravely stand the tide and cast brilliant; In the future, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Shenzhen socialist pilot demonstration zone with Chinese characteristics will be built, and how will it start again? Seeing the content of these programs, some comments said, \"Looking at those yellowed historical documents, old objects with historical traces, and looking at today's beautiful Shenzhen, history and reality intersect, we relive the extraordinary years at the same time, but also deeply appreciate the reform of the cut, difficult, difficult and deep.\" \"The film taps into the spirit of The Times of reform and the fortitude of reformers. Although it is about a city in Shenzhen, it is actually a distillation and demonstration of the achievements of the country's reform and opening up over the past four decades.\" Another netizen left a message, \"This film has filmed the world significance of Shenzhen's development, 40 years of trials and hardships, 40 years of magnificent, Shenzhen is to create a model for the world's urban development.\"

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All-round record of development track, describe the city's \"first\" spirit

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Looking at the history of human urban construction, it took hundreds of years to achieve achievements before, Shenzhen has achieved great changes in 40 years, becoming today's international and innovative megacity. Concentrated leapfrog development will inevitably face unprecedented urban problems. And every time the brave first, Shenzhen will always deliver a convincing answer. It rises suddenly and burns its brilliance, showing an outstanding and remarkable urban temperament.

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Just like the title of the feature film, the film everywhere reflects Shenzhen's \"first\" concept. As a test field of reform and opening up, Shenzhen has explored more than 1,000 \"national firsts\" and made its own unique contribution to the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In addition to economic construction, the feature film also focuses on various fields such as people's livelihood, rule of law, civilization, and green development, telling the story of Shenzhen's birth of China's first corporate volunteer organization, the first batch of international volunteers, and the first local volunteer service regulations; It has issued the first national Reading Promotion Regulations, and is the first \"Global reading Model City\" awarded by the United Nations. China's first international commercial court was established here; In 2019, Shenzhen ranked first in the five core indicators of intellectual property rights, including the number of patent applications and the number of grants, and the number of international patent applications ranked first in the country for 16 consecutive years. It delineates China's first basic urban ecological control line, putting nearly half of the city's land within the control line... This \"first\" means daring to try, innovative breakthrough, but also means the pursuit of excellence.

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From the skin to the muscle to the blood of the city's development, the feature film records and displays the development track of Shenzhen in an all-round way, while profoundly depicting the urban spirit of Shenzhen's \"advance\

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In the film, we also see the Esplanade being diverted to protect more than 300 hectares of mangroves in the heart of the city. After the environmental renovation of the Maozhou River, the largest river in Shenzhen, which flows into the Lingdingyang Bay all the way, the total length of its underground pipe network is 2,393 kilometers, equivalent to the distance between Shenzhen and Beijing; Bus taxis are fully electrified, and Shenzhen is the first city in the world to promote the electrification of buses... This is also the practice of the \"first\" concept. Pursuing harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and committed to maintaining people's roots and lifestyle, Shenzhen adheres to its own urban spirit, which has laid an important foreshadowing for its sustainable development.

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Some netizens commented that the feature film \"Advance\" has written the city of Shenzhen twice systematically and completely, one is the policy, architecture, material level, and the other is the spirit, temperament, and humanities level.

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Pay tribute to the strugglers, describe the \"Shenzhen people\" style

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Among Chinese cities with a population of over 10 million, Shenzhen is the youngest. More than 20 million people live in the city, which covers an area of 1,997 square kilometers. Although the registered population is only 5.68 million, people with dreams come from all directions to struggle, and they have become \"Shenzhen people\" who dare to think and dare.

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In the grand narrative, the feature film \"Advance\" tells the achievements of the development of the reform and opening up city, but also records generations of Shenzhen strugglers with deep and delicate emotions and a great sense of history. Byd was founded by Wang Chuanfu. After 25 years, BYD has grown from a battery factory with only 20 people to a global new energy enterprise giant famous for manufacturing innovative products such as electric vehicles, batteries, chips and rail transit. Ma Huateng, who rented a small office in Huaqiang North, China's largest electronics market, visited every booth at the fair before he founded Tencent. Through these stories, the feature film depicts the spirit of \"creation\" and \"rushing\" of entrepreneurs in Shenzhen, the \"capital of entrepreneurship\".

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The feature film \"Advance\" also pointed the lens at an ordinary \"Shenzhen people\". Yu Guogang, who came to Shenzhen in 1981 and was later sent to Japan to study securities and securities trading; Zhang Yingying, who suffered from polio since childhood, started her own business in Shenzhen after graduating from university and explored a diversified employment model specifically for people with disabilities. Qin Li, 34, from Yibin, Sichuan province, moved south to Shenzhen to work in 2003 and now has her own studio. Because Yuan Xu likes Shenzhen, he became a docent of Shenzhen Museum through national recruitment; Huang Liang, head of the industrial AI project of Tencent Youtu Lab, is stepping up research and development of new projects; Weng Chunxian, who worked in Kaida Toy Factory at that time, although she only had a few brief words, she could feel how much her life had changed from the spacious, bright and modern room she was in, as well as the family photo behind her. These generations have written a history of pioneer, youth and struggle in this city, and together they have shaped a group of Shenzhen immigrants with fresh images, adherence to faith, yearning for beauty, motivation, imagination and creativity, and passed on the values of \"coming is Shenzhen people\

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The great era is created by thousands of builders, and Shenzhen is built by this group of people with the spirit of creation, the spirit of struggle, and the spirit of dream. They have become the spiritual symbols of the city of Shenzhen, and the film is the best tribute to them.

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The feature film \"Advance\" tells us that the reform has entered the deep water zone, and the land of Shenzhen still has the same youthful blood as forty years ago. By 2025, Shenzhen should be built into a modern international and innovative city. By 2035, Shenzhen should be built into a globally influential capital of innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity, and become a model city for China to build a great modern socialist country. By the middle of this century, Shenzhen should become a global benchmark city with outstanding competitiveness, innovation and influence. The spirit of \"going ahead\" continues, and in the integration of tradition and modernity, Shenzhen will continue to write legends.

An advance film is a segment produced in advance in order to show the background, characters, plot and other information of a film or television series.
The advance film can attract the attention of the audience, improve the expectation of the work, and also facilitate the production team to arrange the shooting plan and effect in advance. The advance film has become a common promotion method and marketing strategy in the current film and television market.

& # 34; Advance edition " It refers to the test version that is first released to see whether the market effect is good or bad. If the results are good, then the next few articles will be issued one after another, if the results are not good, it may affect the release of the next few articles.

An antecedent is a movie trailer

It is an unofficial trailer for a big-budget movie release.