TSMC foundry.At present, Huawei is only the designed Kirin chip, and for the complete Kirin zero chip, Huawei is currently unable to develop. The CPU core of the Kirin series chip...

How is the Kirin chip made?

TSMC foundry.

At present, Huawei is only the designed Kirin chip, and for the complete Kirin zero chip, Huawei is currently unable to develop. The CPU core of the Kirin series chip is based on the ARM architecture, and the architecture of this baseband chip is indeed developed by itself. Therefore, to a certain extent, for the Kirin chip, Huawei is only involved in the design, and the overall research needs to be completed by multiple industrial chains.

Huawei Kirin chip manufacturing process is provided by ARM core, and then Huawei redesigned the architecture and communication baseband, and finally handed over to TSMC production. Huawei Kirin chip is not entirely by Huawei independent research and development production, but by TSMC foundry, although not Huawei personally operated, but everyone has acknowledged that Kirin chip is Huawei, which is enough.

The Kirin chip is a processor chip developed by Huawei. Making a Kirin chip involves several steps.

First, the design team designs the chip architecture according to the requirements and technical specifications.

Then, computer aided design software is used for circuit design and layout.

Next, the circuit pattern is transferred to the silicon wafer by photolithography technology, and the process steps such as film deposition, photolithography, and etching are carried out several times to form the circuit structure of the chip.

Finally, the chip is packaged and tested in a plastic or ceramic package, and functional testing and performance verification are carried out. The entire process requires highly sophisticated equipment and technology to ensure the quality and performance of Kirin chips.