英特尔h670芯片组ichaiyang 2024-05-09 20:45 24
In terms of performance, the 1366 stitch antique X5670 is really not in the same league as the 2011 stitch E5 2670. Have seen an incomplete evaluation, E5 2670 score 13312, X5670 s...

Xeon 2670 or x5670 which is good?

In terms of performance, the 1366 stitch antique X5670 is really not in the same league as the 2011 stitch E5 2670. Have seen an incomplete evaluation, E5 2670 score 13312, X5670 score 8457 points, the two architecture is too far apart, X5670 main frequency is high also in vain. The CPU of this platform is equipped with a workstation computer, and the general home or game is still carefully used (in addition to more games), otherwise you will be disappointed.

e5 x5670 6 core 12 threads e5 2670 v2 10 core 20 threads sure 2670 good, they both have generation difference, 1 generation difference. Double 2670 v2 plus 580 graphics card x79 motherboard Master Lu 40w minutes more