英特尔h670芯片组ichaiyang 2024-05-09 20:44 26
Advantages of integrated graphics card1. Low priceThe motherboard of integrated graphics card is often integrated with sound card and network card, for users, only need to purchase...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of intel integrated graphics cards?

Advantages of integrated graphics card

1. Low price

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The motherboard of integrated graphics card is often integrated with sound card and network card, for users, only need to purchase CPU, memory, hard disk and optical drive can constitute the entire PC system, it is easy to control the installed cost. For motherboard manufacturers, because the integrated integrated graphics card is completely inside the North bridge chip, it does not need to significantly change the design, often as long as the corresponding independent motherboard on the basis of a slight modification, and the integrated graphics card of the north bridge chip price will not be much higher than the ordinary North bridge chip, so the price of most integrated motherboards on the market is easy to accept.

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2, good compatibility

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Since the sound card, video card and network card on the motherboard are assembled by one company, the manufacturer will do compatibility testing during development, so the possibility of hardware conflicts between them is almost zero.

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3. Meet your needs

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Remember that not all users are crazy 3D players and 3D graphics makers, most users use the computer for office, Internet and multimedia files, do not put high requirements on the graphics card, a GeForce2 MX level graphics card is more than enough. Today, almost all integrated graphics cards have higher performance than the GeForce2 MX class graphics cards. A few high-performance integrated graphics cards even support Pixel Shader and Vertex Shader on hardware, putting low-end stand-alone graphics to shame.

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4. Low upgrade cost

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Most of the current integrated motherboards provide an additional graphics card interface, when the user feels that the performance of the integrated graphics card is not enough to meet the needs, you can buy a separate graphics card.

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To take the simplest example: an integrated motherboard may cost 150 yuan more than an ordinary motherboard with the same performance, but the user can save the investment in the graphics card. If you buy an independent graphics card, you need to spend at least 400 yuan, and high-end graphics cards are even far more than that. Half a year later, when the integrated motherboard users found that the new game has made the integrated graphics card tired, you can choose to upgrade, and at this time, the high-end graphics card is bound to greatly reduce the price, the overall upgrade cost is not high, very flexible.

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Disadvantages of integrated graphics cards

1, the performance is not high, large 3d games generally can not be played.

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2, some integrated graphics card motherboard does not even have an external graphics card slot, can not be upgraded.

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3, because the integrated graphics card needs no memory, it needs to occupy the system memory, so that the available capacity of the main memory is reduced.

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4, integrated graphics card without GPU, need to use the cpu to calculate, the cpu occupation is higher than the external graphics card.

First of all, Intel's integrated graphics card has the advantages of cheap, easy to install and so on. Because this integrated graphics card is generally the core display. It is integrated in the CPU, generally installed the CPU successfully, intend to drive the core display can be used. Budget small partners do not need to buy a separate graphics card!

The disadvantage is that the performance is relatively poor, which can only meet the daily office and basic film and television decoding, and can not meet the video clip rendering and large-scale game trial.