Let's talk about ChinaWhat China lacks now is the manufacturing technology for high-end chips, for one reason: high technical complexity and high research and development costs.Pro...

Why can't other countries make chips?

Let's talk about China

What China lacks now is the manufacturing technology for high-end chips, for one reason: high technical complexity and high research and development costs.

Products, in the field of integrated circuit industry, are generally divided into three links: design, manufacturing and sealing test. The independent controllable ability of domestic high-end chips is not good, from the perspective of the industrial chain, there is a certain gap in the design and manufacturing links. Chip production process development from 60 nm, 45 nm, 28 nm, then to 10 nm, and even 7 nm, the global chip manufacturing field of leading companies such as Samsung, TSMC are step by step, if the domestic chip companies want to drop from 28 nm to 10 nm, it is difficult.

Talent, in chip manufacturing, \"process is a threshold\

Reason two: Start late, domestic chip manufacturers, technology is not mature enough. Enterprises that have domestic demand for chips do not recognize national research chips.

Integrated circuit practitioners know that China's lack of independent innovation in the high-end chip industry is a time bomb for the industry.

In the field of domestic low-end chips, Chinese enterprises have a certain technology and product foundation, but in the field of high-end chips such as processors and memory, domestic chip products basically do not have a competitive advantage. Although in some chip fields, some local chip companies in China have achieved good results, but in the product market promotion has encountered obstacles.