chip, also known as microchip, integrated circuit (IC . It is a silicon chip containing an integrated circuit and is very small in size. In general, chip (IC refers to all semicon...

GD chip principle and use method?

chip, also known as microchip, integrated circuit (IC). It is a silicon chip containing an integrated circuit and is very small in size. In general, chip (IC) refers to all semiconductor components, is a collection of a variety of electronic components on the silicon board to achieve a specific function of the circuit module. It is the most important part of the electronic equipment, bearing the function of computing and storage.

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The RF reader sends a set of fixed frequency electromagnetic waves to the IC card, and there is an LC series resonant circuit in the card, whose frequency is the same as that emitted by the reader. In this way, the LC resonant circuit resonates under the excitation of the electromagnetic wave, so that there is a charge in the capacitor. At the other end of this charge, there is a single-pass electronic pump, which sends the charge in the capacitor to another capacitor for storage, when the accumulated charge reaches 2V, the capacitor can be used as a power supply to provide working voltage for other circuits, transmitting the data in the card or accepting the data of the reader.