Let me answer your question if it's what you want to know:What you saidNotebook IC~~~~~~~ does not refer to: ultrabook, is Intel after UMPC, MID, netbook netbook, Consumer Ultra Lo...

What does win version ic mean?

Let me answer your question if it's what you want to know:What you saidNotebook IC~~~~~~~ does not refer to: ultrabook, is Intel after UMPC, MID, netbook netbook, Consumer Ultra Low Voltage ultra-thin notebook and another new category of notebook products ~~~IC means: is a kind of integrated circuit.Today's laptops are becoming more and more thin and integrated, so there are now ultrabooks.

Refers to the Windows version of the IC (Integrated Circuit) driver. An IC driver is a piece of software that controls the communication between a computer and an IC device. In Windows operating systems, IC drivers are usually provided by the device manufacturer and installed on the computer to ensure that the device will work properly. Therefore, " Win version IC" May refer to IC drivers under a specific version of Windows.

IC is a general term for semiconductor component products, including:

1, integratedcircuit (IC).

2, 2, triode.

3, special electronic components.

Computer motherboard ic is a chip responsible for the transformation, distribution, detection and other power management of electrical energy in the electronic equipment system. It is mainly responsible for identifying the CPU power supply amplitude, generating the corresponding short moment wave, and promoting the power output of the back-end circuit.