In the world's highest performance AI chip level.In July 2019, the RISC-V processor IP Xuantie 910 was released.In September 2019, the AI inference special chip containing Light 80...

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In the world's highest performance AI chip level.

In July 2019, the RISC-V processor IP Xuantie 910 was released.

In September 2019, the AI inference special chip containing Light 800 was released, based on the 12nm process, and fell to the ground for commercial use. Containing light 800 adopts the self-developed architecture of Pingtou Brother, and achieves performance breakthrough through hardware and software co-design.

In October 2021, the general server chip Yitian 710 was released, which adopts the industry's most advanced 5nm process and can accommodate up to 60 billion transistors in a single chip. In terms of chip architecture, based on the latest Arm v9 architecture, including 128 core CPU, the main frequency up to 3.2GHz, data center, cloud services, will be the most core commercial scenario of Yitian 710.