2. Chip screen 73G15P can be replaced, because in the process of chip manufacturing, screen printing is used to identify the chip model and version, and the replacement of screen p...


2. Chip screen 73G15P can be replaced, because in the process of chip manufacturing, screen printing is used to identify the chip model and version, and the replacement of screen printing refers to changing the original screen printing to other identification.
This may be due to design changes, production needs, or market demands.
Substitution can be achieved by modifying the manufacturing process or redesigning the screen printing.
3. Replacing the chip screen printing can bring some benefits.
For example, if the original silk screen has errors or needs to be updated, substitutions can correct these problems.
In addition, substitutions can provide additional identification information or meet specific requirements without changing the functionality of the chip. However, substitutions also need to take into account the associated technical and manufacturing costs, as well as the impact on chip performance and reliability.
Therefore, in the chip screen replacement, it is necessary to consider various factors to make decisions.