Hello, LM2576S is a step-down regulator chip with adjustment function, it has 8 pins. Here are the instructions for each pin:1. GND: Ground pin.2. VIN (Input voltage : The positiv...

lm2576s Pin Description?

Hello, LM2576S is a step-down regulator chip with adjustment function, it has 8 pins. Here are the instructions for each pin:

1. GND: Ground pin.

2. VIN (Input voltage) : The positive pin of the input power supply, usually DC voltage.

3. SW (switch pin) : connected with inductors and diodes, used to control the switching tube on and off.

4. FB (Feedback pin) : Feedback input pin, used to set the output voltage.

5. COMP (Compensation pin) : used to connect external compensation components to improve the stability of the regulator.

6. VOUT (output voltage) : The output pin of the regulator.

7. SS\/TR (Soft start\/Trace) : Used to set the soft start time and trace function.

8. VCC (Power supply pin) : The internal power supply pin of the chip should be connected to the power supply voltage.

This is a voltage regulator integrated circuit. Facing lm2576s, you can see that the one with a point above the pin is pin 1, which is the voltage input end, pin 2 is the output end, pin 3 is grounded, pin 4 compensation circuit, and pin 5 switch