Zte: 5G equipment leader stock. The world's five largest mobile communication equipment manufacturers have the earliest 5G layout, high R&D investment, leading standards and techno...

What are the 5g leading listed companies?

Zte: 5G equipment leader stock. The world's five largest mobile communication equipment manufacturers have the earliest 5G layout, high R&D investment, leading standards and technology, and have accumulated a number of patents in 5G key technologies such as ultra-dense network SDN, and established cooperation with the three major operators in the 5G field.

Optical communication Technology: The company has the scarce chip self-research ability of the optical device integration leader, breakthrough 25G optical chip technology, 2020 ranked fourth in the world.

Zhongji Xuchuang: The annual shipment of optical modules exceeds 4 million, ranking first in the global optical module manufacturers in 2020.